Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Friday, January 7, 2011

Making the 1st Move

So this is pretty weird, Hey Strangers! Over here! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!! That's the whole point right?
So here goes. I'm in my 30s, work at a stupid job, have been living in a state of suspended adolescence since adolescence and am somehow responsible for guiding 2 other humans through life without turning them into assholes along the way.
I look good, I like people and stuff, I'm intelligent and funny so why the hell do I feel like I'm about to throw a tantrum and punch a hole in the wall? I thought that by now I would be one of those smug bastards who write lovely articles in Chatelaine about the satisfaction they feel in baking cookies while watching snow fall outside their marble/stainless perfect kitchen and the joy of seeing a line of little dirty rubber boots by the door.
I don't want to talk about the last dirty rubber thing I saw.
I'm not making a resolution and giving myself a time limit. I don't work well with that kind of stuff. I have a vague idea that I need to enrich my life somehow but I live paycheck to paycheck and you will not ever EVER see my kitchen in any self respecting magazine. Even a Canadian one.
I would like to look better, be happier, have less free time to watch Netflix and eat, use the craft supplies I have hoarded, have less of a hoard, have a budget that budgets the money and does not just hang lifelessly from a magnet on the fridge, keep my teen from impregnating anyone, keep my pre-tween inoculated against Disney-sanctioned prostitotism and maybe just maybe agree to and actually show up for a real date with a real boy.
That being said, I think I'm going to have a Cuba Libre & read Vanity Fair while eating the last of the Christmas Godivas in front of season 3 of Coupling. It is 119pm and I am on vacation after all.


  1. I LOVE the cat turd story. But there is no way I am going to tell you something about myself, or life. You know WAY too much already.
