No really. I don't know weather to shit or go blind. But not in a good way like I'm choosing between red or white wine. Its bad. I had cleaning attack that lasted a few hours then petered out when I ran out of Bailey's for my coffee.
I sort of cleaned my house but for every space that was purged another now has a ginormous pile of crap in it. I just want to sit and relax and everywhere I turn there is something out of place to drive me crazy.
I have a punch bowl that I keep my crochet junk in. Well, there is going to be some punching alright. Why can't my god damn bowl of fuzzy yarn look like Martha fucking Stewart's assholey bowl of yarn? GGGGRRRRRRRRR
Look at it. Sitting there all not cute.
I'm sorry Saint Martha I still love you please don't cancel my subscription! NEVER know who's reading!!!!
I had a coupon for a case of beer that combined with the store special gave me $5 off. Sweet. There is nothing that makes me happier than applying my philosophy of never paying full price for anything to booze.
Turns out the deal was not all that sweet. Turns out it was for a case of cans. It also turns out that I'm a snob and don't like cans. I appreciate that they float and can be shot-gunned. That is all.
However, I wanted to feel like I got a bargain on something and they were cans of my favorite so I bought the case anyway. And an very enjoyable white from Pelee Island Winery that was actually over $11 because of the beer savings. So 12 beer and a bottle of wine for under $30 and both Canadian. That was the last of the good news.
Since it is March and not a good time for tubing on the Miramichi (HEAVEN btw) or at a grubby after party I went to the freezer because I aways keep A&W root beer mugs in there. Thinking that a frosty mug will make canny beer a bit better.
I dropped the damn mug on my foot. Do you know how heavy those bastards are? Like ohmygod. I did the Peter Griffin on my kitchen floor. You all know exactly what I mean. On my ass gripping my foot inhaling deeply through clenched teeth. SHHHHHHHHSSSSSSHHH then pain releasing exhale, AHHHHHAAHHHHHHH. Then repeat.
Let us not discuss why I am up and already out of liquor and into the beer at 11am on a Tuesday.
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