Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Not News But...

The proliferation of FaceBook "News Chaser" groups (or whatever they call themselves, I know you know exactly what I am talking about) have me concerned about the asshole:person ratio around here.

On one hand, I do really admire the ability to rally the members to do good deeds in the community. I cannot stress enough how awesome and wonderful I think that is, even though you could not pay me to do anything associated with those packs of hypocrites. The classicism, the thinly veiled racism and misogyny, the blatant denial of facts, science and the difference between a reliable source and a steaming pile of shite. The hate. So much seething resentment toward, um, everything? How DARE you ask if the checks are out Friday or Monday?!?

Post anything about celebrities who abuse women, fracking, people on welfare and temporary foreign workers. You will see exactly what I mean. People are deep down awful inside. Does raising money for a good cause mitigate being a rape apologist? Does volunteering for hours on community projects make being racist OK? I am not comfortable with this. 

Post with the passive aggressive, #sorrynotsorry byline, "This is not news but.." and see what happens. Inevitably someone will be mad it is not news, others will be upset the poster did not use Google, someone else will take the opportunity to pass judgement on people on welfare. 

Farther down the page, in another post, the people who were most vociferous in their bashing, will be doing a massive drive for the homeless. Because d'uh the homeless are suffering outside, therefore are being appropriately punished for being poor, not using welfare to have shelter and food like those shameless single slut mothers. Did you know they sometimes even buy things for themselves? Whores. 

The comments on the scanner calls are the most indicative of the failures of our school system. Someone is caught stealing. The masses want the whole book thrown at him. Put the thief in jail! 

They are very bad at math.

The cost of housing one inmate in prison for a year is between $113 000 and $117 000, vs. the less than $10 000/year a single woman with two children receives on welfare. Money which goes back into the economy with the rent she pays and things she buys. 

It is what I call "conservative math".  $97 000 is money well spent on punishment. Do not EVER waste money on grass roots level shelters, child care, GED programs or affordable housing. People might choose to be poor on purpose. Like those greedy service workers who keep demanding a minimum wage that is higher than welfare.

If you put someone in prison, later when that person is out of prison and cannot get a job and lives on the street, some bunch of local gossips will make themselves feel superior by giving them a backpack full of deodorant and Tim Horton's gift cards.

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