I believe in super heroes, galaxies that exist far far away and that in 2063 Zefram Cochrane will invent warp drive and the Vulcans will come and fix everything.
I like the idea that if I scream really loud like a girl maybe just maybe a nice man in tights will get the bad guys for me. I believe that good and evil exist in perfect balance and I want to believe, I HOPE, that there are defenders of that balance. I especially truly love the idea of boldly going where no man has gone before and if what we find is not ready for us, leaving them the fuck alone.
I believe in rabbit holes to Wonderland, doorways to Narnia and time travelling phone booths. I believe in Witches and Wizards and that I am a Muggle.
Thunder is the angels bowling. When a bell rings an angel gets it's wings.
Sea glass is lucky.
I have a massive collection of sea glass. Each piece is a moment of wonder, a small reminder of time with a friend, family, my dog, lover or alone. Perfect in its asymmetry. It takes a quarter of a century tumbling around the waves to get the edges smoothed just right.
Sea glass tastes like salt if you lick it, which I have. I was curious. It was round and green and warm from the sun, heavier on my tongue than I thought it would be. I'm glad I did it.
I like to believe that the green and brown are beer bottles left from one of those amazingly wonderful parties that only happen a few times in your life and you remember forever.
My Father told me that he had made it up when he told me when I was very small that sea glass was lucky. I am unperturbed by this.
Had I not believed in the magic of sea glass I would never have had that feeling of being chosen by the ocean I love so much. I would never have laughed out loud watching one of my babies get there feet wet trying to reach for a piece.
Even after my Dad's confession I told both my children that sea glass is lucky. My son brings home pieces when he goes with his friends. Some he keeps and some he presents to me. My daughter goes wild to be the first one of the day to find a piece.
I can look at the antique bottles I keep the glass in and count all those moments. There are hundreds, accumulated in just a few years of keeping them. Add those up over all the walks on the beach over all the years and its clear and quantifiable proof of time well spent.
If I have not been truly lucky to have felt my heart leap that many times, then I guess don't know what lucky really means.
A small portion of my sea glass mixed with glass beads.
life is what we make it. we all need some magic and lucky things to believe in. you made me cry, in a good way. thanks