Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Big Love

The show Big Love returns to HBO on Sunday and I'm pretty pumped. I love that show! I'm also a great big voyeur when it comes to polygamy. It FASCINATES me. Especially when "normal" women are involved.

The thing about the show that I find so great is that the characters are likable, Bill Paxton doesn't come across as a horny redneck like dude on Sister Wives. However I do like the sister wives, especially #3. I wish she was my wife! Anyway Big Love does NOT creep me out and I enjoy the thinking I do when its over.

The book the 19th Wife is a must read for anyone who may be interested in the topic.

So what I most often end up thinking about is how I would handle it, as a 1st wife or as an add-on. I have a hard time giving any credibility to any man who did not grow up with polygamy or as a Mormon (or whatever) who all of a sudden decides "That's the church for me!" and starts acquiring wives. Don't hide behind religion because you a bit of a perv.

Personally, I see a lot of positive benefits to polygamy. I know I'm not supposed to say it out loud but I do. I do not agree with the bull shit that goes on in Bountiful BC or on those compounds in the States. That is using religion as a front for behaviour that is NOT acceptable on ANY level.

What I do believe is that not everyone wants or needs a soul mate. Some people are just better at sharing. Not everyone wants the level of attention or commitment that a traditional relationship entails. Not everyone really wants or needs someone next to them every single night. 

I am extremely fortunate to have excellent relationships with the Mothers of my Daughter's half-brothers, her Dad's ex before me and his current girlfriend. While I would probably shoot myself in the face before ever ever ever having a sexual relationship with him again the idea of a great big house like on Big Love with the girls and the babies is very attractive.

I love being at home cooking and doing crafts and all that crap and the other two work like fiends. I like the idea of sitting at a table with two women who love my kids as much as I do and talking about all the STUFF over a glass of wine, knowing that they will help make sure everything is OK. Like having your best friends there all the time.

Even in a situation where I was sleeping with the man I can see me not being adverse to another wife or two. I prefer sleeping alone, I hate being the sole focus of a man's attention, I don't like working outside the home and I like being around other women.

To be fair, I do feel that if he's nipping over to other wing of the house for a cuddle I and the spare wife should be able to have piece on the side if we want.To be truthful, I would just be happy to NOT be expected to put out. Oh to say "Honey, I'm making hats for the cats tonight, can you go see what Jane's is up to?" and have him go "OK" sound divine. No debate, no compromise, no " Do from behind so I can see the TV then, Gawd."

When I break it down its my ideal relationship. Because I'm lazy.

Alternatively, I would be the best Beard ever. Hey rich Gays, give me a call!


  1. I'm actually with you Girl... wanna share mine? You stay home, cook and clean (for both of us) - we'll work - we'll get you another wife for daytime company too (of course).
    Then in the evening - he can play call of duty - we can sit around the kitchen table sipping vino and discussing our daily activities...
    I'm all over it...

  2. I'll be a 2nd or 3rd wife with ya honey. We can cook together, drink wine in the kitchen while the dogs take care of the kids, make crafts out of fun things we find at the beach and make fun of people. I'll even take one for the team and be the one to put out... But only once a week, ifs he's cute, and if he's not a vegetarian if ya know what I mean. LOVE the blog honey!! Xoxox
