If I could pay a man whore for all the things men pay woman whores for I totally would. At least the basic things, not the stuff that makes the whore take a step back and say "that costs extra."
I would have a little jar marked "man whores" and I would put my spare change in it. When I had enough I would dial-a-ho, have him come over, service me, and then do some small chore I don't want to. If the sex trade truly was a trade I wouldn't even need change, I could barter.
I think prostitution should be one of the trades like welding or culinary arts. You would know up front what you were getting and you could save by hiring a student.
"Excuse me good Whore, thy cod piece is most bulgy. I have 3 oranges and a pint of strong ale, willst thee tradest for a roll in thine hay?"
"Nay but this here apprentice works for oranges and can get the job done in half the time"
That is how I imagine man whore shopping.
I'm all for the sex trade because people are constantly trading sex for stuff anyway they just don't want to admit it. It doesn't make you cheap or slutty its good time management. If a well timed and executed handy j that takes under 6 minutes means garbage gets out, dog gets walked, you get a glass of something from the fridge brought to you, well Madam, I would say that adds up to being well worth it!
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