Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Close Your Eyes and Think of the Empire Strikes Back

Being from a generation that attended schools where shit was not put up with I never got to wallow in my ADD like kids today. You were crazy, gifted, advanced, normal or special. You did what you could to be cool and get the hell out of there knowing that if you dropped out you would have to get dirty for a living.

I did not even know I really had a thing. I just assumed school was boring and stupid and if things were worth it they got my attention. By grade 13 (stupid Ontario) I had been in the same home room for 5 years and was totally baffled by some of the people signing my year book the last day. 

Five years, 9-920 a.m. ten months a year and by June of 1994 I had no fucking idea who these people were. It as true today as it is now, you have 30 seconds from the moment you are introduced to me to make yourself memorable or it will never happen. I will call you You for the rest of our acquaintanceship. 

I find as I get older the ADD interestingly manifests itself in conjunction with OCD. It makes for some imaginative sex. 

Not on my part. I mean on his because he has to keep imagining things to do to hold my attention and keep sweat from touching me. Its all very erotic.

I don't like getting hot. Or wet or sticky. And too much going on in my peripheral vision makes me sort of sketchy.

Never point me in the direction of the tv. Or if you must at least pass the remote. I hope you like Star Wars.

Its not that sex isn't wildly entertaining, I just get distracted. By anything and everything. Not only can I barely remember the last time I had sex I can't remember the last time I had sex and did not think about Han Solo at least once.

I'm not fantasizing exactly. More like dude will say something that starts with "I can" and the sentence gets completed in my head as "make the kessel run in 12 parsecs" and then its the whole a parsec is a measure of distance  not time and next thing you know your face is being compared to Han's when frozen in carbonite. 

Sometimes I play out a whole scene of Han & Lando grocery shopping. But that is only when I know there is stuff I need to pick up. 

Its sexy sexy  stuff I tell you.

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