As most of my regular readers know, my favorite TV show is HBO's Big Love. The series ended a few weeks ago and I can't bring myself to watch the finale.
I really enjoyed living the principal via the show. I found a family system that works very well for me. I don't want my marriage to end. Plural marriage with the Hendricksons has been my most successful relationship to date.
Since my marriage is being ripped apart by lazy writers (actually, I never bothered to find out why its ending, just assuming) I decided I needed guidance. I signed up for a free psychic reading from some lady advertising on the side of my Facebook.
I got an email back saying it will be 48hrs for my whatever to get done. I hope this is because she will be spending the next two days pouring over start charts and big dusty books bound in human skin but I have my doubts about that.
I am not really sure what to do now that I am an unwanted sister wife, alone, no one to visit me on a weekly basis for a set amount of time. (Sundays from 10-11pm).
My internet dating profiles are still active but I can't take it seriously. I am from a pretty small city and they keep trying to hook me up with drug dealers and skanks. Or survivalists from Maine. Scary.
I think I would prefer a Canadian drug dealer to an American gun nut. Since I've actually been presented with the choice and all. Wow. Thank goodness the Internet was invented.
I think that governments should use the same programs for choosing candidates Zoosk apparently uses for choosing my next boyfriend. Put in the basic profile information for Canada, then the candidates could make their profiles and then the election would advertise along the side of Facebook and people vote on who should lead Canada based on self descriptions and pics of the candidate's abs.
Voter turnout would be the highest EVER.
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